List of pornography laws by country

List of pornography laws by country

List of pornography laws by country: We all know what is pornography and how people receive it differently. First of all, I would like to say that it is your choice whether or not to watch porn.

And also you cannot pass harsh comments on the people in pornography and the ones who watch it.

Hatred towards them is not healthy and it makes them uncomfortable you are making fun of someone’s profession. The reason why I mentioned it here is because some of you might be wondering why people like me write about this kind of topic.

That is because there isn’t anything to be ashamed of and you can’t judge a person based on this. Okay so moving into the topics we can see that different countries have different laws for pornography.

Certain countries have strict laws and some countries have even banned pornography.

Pornography Laws in Different Countries

As I said earlier there are different pornography Laws for different countries. Also, you shall find that almost all the countries have banned child pornography because you know how much of a nasty activity is that. Let’s have a look into it

Pornography Laws in Different Countries
Pornography Laws in Different Countries


Pornography which is not vulgar and which doesn’t have bestiality is legal in Brazil. Child pornography is illegal, all the actors must be above 18 and it can be only sold to people who are 18 to older.

Also, the male actors should use condoms while doing intimate scenes. And the magazine covers which have human genitals should be kept out of public view. However, the law enforcement related to pornography is not strict.


People in Denmark have free access to pornography, it is available even in convenience stores. It was the first country to legalize pornography. Child pornography is illegal but the age bar is 15 years. This means if a person above 15 years gives consent then it is not illegal to film or photograph them indecently.

Denmark even has a TV channel that broadcasts pornography uncoded at night. Also, there is not any restrictions against animal pornography as well. Animal pornography is only illegal if any harm or pain is inflicted on the animal. There are only a few restrictions related to pornography in Denmark.


Porn is not completely banned here. It is illegal to sell or rent Pornographic materials in Australia. Anyways possession of of such materials is not illegal. In certain parts of the country sale of porn, content is legalized where people from another part of the country mail order it.


Pornography is not banned in Canada not even hardcore materials. There is also no specific law that prevents the distribution and possession of such materials.

But it is prohibited to sell it to people below 18 years old. Child pornography is strictly prohibited. People below the age of 18 cannot participate in pornography, it is also illegal for a person who is above 18 to depict someone below 18. Additionally viewing child porn is also illegal.


Pornography is banned in Egypt. Not only this country but mostly all the Arab countries have banned pornography because it is against the beliefs of the Islamic community and they think that it destroys the morality and security of the country. Anyways websites featuring pornography are not blocked in UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Hong Kong

Child Pornography is illegal in Hong Kong. Also, it is a crime to sell these materials, and should not be publicly displayed.

It should be published only after making sure that it is wrapped properly without revealing the fact that it contains something obscene.


Even if pornography is illegal in India law enforcement is extremely lax and these materials are easily available. Trying to distribute or access such materials is also not legal.

When it comes to child pornography there are strict actions taken against it. These films are referred to as blue films and are available at places where pirated materials are sold.


Pornography is not illegal but child pornography and bestiality are considered unlawful.

United States

Child Pornography is punishable in the United States and prison time can range from 15 to 30 years and even worse penalties. Apart from that hardcore Pornographic materials are also illegal. However, attempts made to restrict internet pornography were not successful.


Pornography is strictly prohibited in Vietnam. It is illegal to sell, distribute, and produce Pornographic materials. The reason why it’s illegal is because the government feels that pornography affects the standards and values of Vietnam.


Pornography is illegal in Thailand however there many cases of sex trafficking and adolescent prostitution in the country. Child pornography is also illegal even though child prostitution still exists. The law enforcement in this country is not lax and strict actions will be taken for committing a crime.

South Africa

Child Pornography even in written form is illegal in South Africa. For this reason, it is a crime to host pornographic websites as it is difficult to do age verification. Porn cannot be sold to people over 18 years of age. Animal pornography is banned when it comes to visual representation but is not illegal when in written form.


When it comes to Russia we cannot determine whether it is legal or illegal because of two factors: the law doesn’t correctly define what pornography is and also we can’t determine in which case production or selling of pornography is considered illegal. Anyways in the case of child pornography, there is no such confusion and it is a punishable crime.


Pornography is illegal in the Philippines. If Islamic beliefs lead to the ban of pornography in Arab countries then here Christian churches and groups were the reason behind the illegal status of pornography in the Philippines.

The conservative political parties feel that pornography draws a feeling of lustfulness in all the people and therefore they got it banned.


Laws regarding pornography are still not formed in Indonesia. Some say that it’s illegal and some others claim that it’s legal.

However, the Parliament is planning to introduce an anti-pornography law and it is very controversial however the Muslim community in the country is eagerly waiting for that law to be passed.


It is illegal to be involved in the sale of Pornographic materials and also like most countries child pornography is prohibited and it cannot be shown to children under 18 years. Also, the display of genitals on the cover page of magazines is not prohibited.

As you can see here there are different laws regarding pornography for different countries. In some places it’s illegal and in some places it’s legal.

You can even see how religious beliefs contradict the pornography Laws. Anyway, these are the laws in some of the countries and there are many other countries I have left out.


the laws surrounding pornography vary significantly from country to country, reflecting diverse cultural, religious, and societal perspectives. While some nations have embraced a more liberal approach, allowing widespread access to adult content, others have imposed strict regulations or outright bans, often influenced by religious beliefs and cultural values.

Brazil, Denmark, and Australia exemplify countries with more permissive attitudes, where restrictions focus on ensuring legal age participation and limited public exposure. In contrast, countries like Egypt, Vietnam, and Thailand have chosen to prohibit pornography, driven by cultural and religious considerations that link it to morality and societal well-being.

The United States navigates a complex legal landscape, with stringent penalties for child pornography and restrictions on hardcore materials, despite challenges in regulating internet content. In India, although technically illegal, lax enforcement contributes to widespread availability, particularly in the form of pirated materials. Russia faces ambiguity in its laws, lacking a clear definition of pornography, while child pornography is unequivocally punishable.

The Philippines and Indonesia showcase the influence of religious beliefs on legislation, with Christian and Muslim communities respectively contributing to the prohibition or potential future restrictions on pornography. Hungary, like many other countries, prohibits the sale of pornographic materials and sets age restrictions, with a particular emphasis on shielding minors from explicit content.

Ultimately, the diversity in global pornography laws highlights the ongoing debate between individual freedoms, cultural values, and societal norms. It is crucial to recognize and respect these variations while understanding the potential impact of these laws on individuals and society at large.

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